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About Me

I'm Luke, a freelance copywriter from Manchester.

The copywriter bit means I write words that get your message across, provoke emotion and get people to act. The Manchester bit means I'm accustomed to a bit of rain and partial to the odd Eccles cake.

I cut my copywriting teeth while working as a communications officer for a children’s charity before spending three years churning out copy for one of the UK’s biggest high street banks.

Since 2019 I've been a keyboard for hire, slinging words to everyone from software developers to clothing companies.

When I write...

I don't write from the hip. Before I fire up the word processor and take aim, I spend time getting to grips with you and your needs. That means submerging myself in your brand and getting into the mindset of your target audience.

That way you get carefully crafted copy that's bang on target.